To me, Simonstown is childhood memories, naval ships, uniformed soldiers, Nuisance the much-loved pup, boulders, beaches, windy weather and penguins. I love it there. And now that I have discovered A Boat House and scuba diving I have added reason to visit.
Situated on the slopes of Red Hill, in a quiet street that offers incredible views across False Bay, A Boat House offers three lovely accommodation options. The Upper Deck is a spacious room with self-catering facilities (I stayed here), the Lower Deck is a gorgeous two-bedroom apartment and The Cabin is a smaller comfortable room with excellent sea views. You can’t go wrong ….
Hosted by the beautiful welcoming Therese, her personal style and attention to detail is prevalent throughout. From the soft music to the scented candles, the space and treasured privacy, to the flowers and scrumptious pile of cushions to lounge on. There is an indoor pool room and lounge area where I long to linger when winter comes, right now though the ocean beckons ….
Highly recommended, well priced and a spot that deserves an extended stay. More at