Greenpop. Zambia. – I met the remarkable Candice Mostert in Zambia as she taught her simple and effective eco-brick building method to the local residents at Sons of Thunder farm. Another incredible partner of GreenPop and #TreesForZambia.
Supported by a group of volunteers they built a Bench from plastic bottles filled with non recyclable plastic papers and wrappers. Teaching the benefits of this innovative method of building. It’s not as easy at it looks in these pics, but involves seriously getting your hands dirty. Then again, all the most satisfying work does.
This method of repurposing waste to build homes can potentially change the way of thinking for many. The advantages?
1. Most homes built from mud and wood in rural areas need to be repaired at least three times every decade. 2. The plastic bottles last 1000 years and offer stronger insulated walls. 3. The use of wood is drastically reduced – yay to that! 4. It reduces the piles of waste by taking plastic bottles and other garbage and giving them a useful purpose.
I spoke to Reuben Charles from the farm about his thoughts on this method and he was thrilled by the simplicity of it. Determined to adopt it and show others working on the farm how easily a difference can be made.
Feel good all round. A fabulous bench that will be enjoyed by all, yet also stand tall as an example of how up-cycling and change can benefit all. Especially our fragile environment.
Let this be the future, taking Trash to Treasure.
Sifting the sand to mix with clay for ‘cement’.
Volunteers mixing in the sand and mud.
Sometimes feet are better than hand, both – best.
Once the consistency of the mud cement is at it’s best, the outer lay is crafted, smoothed and sculpted.
Until a proud end product is there.
Team effort. Group shot!
Learn more at Trash to Treasure Festivals and sign up to stay in touch with Candice on her future projects.