Ethics, honesty and transparency are key in building relationships and a sound reputation in any industry. To avoid misunderstanding and in the spirit of professionalism, I therefore offer the following Disclaimer.
In my profession as a freelance travel writer, blogger and photographer predominantly self-fund or part-fund my trips. Yet in order to work in my chosen profession I am also reliant on the travel and hospitality industry to support me in reaching the places and experiences that I cannot afford to visit out of my own pocket.
These are contractual arrangements that benefit both parties and it is important to note that I do not take freebies in exchange for positive coverage and am committed to being honest and fair in everything that I write. Putting my own voice to the experiences and disclosing any hosting or sponsorship.
The trust of my readers is everything to me and I will not mislead them.
Also, all words and images remain the property of Dawn Jorgensen and The Incidental Tourist and cannot be used without explicit permission. Doing so would constitute a breach of copyright laws.
Should you wish to work with me on a campaign or invite me to share in an experience, I would be happy to hear from you. Please email dawn@theincidentaltourist.com with more information.