ETAS15. – By invitation of Damian Cook of E-Tourism Summit, I was invited to join the panel discussions surrounding bloggers and working with bloggers at the Cape Town #ETAS15 yesterday.
Offered the opportunity to present some ideas and advice based on my work experience, I spoke mostly about the ethics of professional blogging, the need for us to be true to ourselves and our voice as well as the benefits of doing research to find the best blogger for the job or brand.
For your interest, I’ve uploaded the presentation to Dropbox, you can access it here. Should there be any questions, do let me know.

The Great Blogger Debate. What’s the real value of bloggers and what’s their role in travel marketing? The lines between pure user generated content and professionally produced content are becoming increasingly blurred. Using samples of their work and case studies, we will discuss their role and how influence is defined. We will look at the relative value of a paid Brand Ambassador and a freelance content producer, and discuss how the trade can work with them.
Presenters and participants: Dawn Jorgensen: Blogger and Journalist. Mariette Du Toit Helmbold: Destinate. Natalie Roos: Blogger. William Price: South Africa Tourism. Andy Carrie: Marketing Entrepreneur and Instagrammer.
Below are the incredible #ETAS15 speakers, with the program right here. For the #ETAS15 highlight package, watch this video.

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Thank you again for the opportunity to be involved with #ETAS15.