Hills Pet Nutrition spoils my pups with a #HillsLazyBed.

Home » Lifestyle » Hills Pet Nutrition spoils my pups with a #HillsLazyBed.


Hills Pet Nutrition. – Perfect for Winter, my precious Tuscan and Sienna Storm received a cosy new #‎hillslazybed‬ and a bag of yum treats as a gift from Hill’s Pet Nutrition and it gave us an excuse to have a mini photoshoot. Especially as it was Tuscan’s 4th Birthday on the day it arrived.

Although Sienna does seem to have nabbed the bed for her own. Some more about this beautiful giant lazy pillow which was quick to become their favourite thing.

Let your best friend snuggle up on a cosy new #hillslazybed this winter. The giant lazy pillows (worth R350) are free when you purchase two bags of Hill’s Science Plan or Ideal Balance Canine sized between 10kg and 13.6kg. The pillow comes in three colour variations and is ideal for medium and large dogs. For mini breeds the super-cute lazy pouch (available in five colours and worth R250) is free when you purchase two bags of Hill’s Science Plan or Ideal Balance Canine Mini sized between 1.81kg and 3kg. The #hillslazybed offer is available at participating veterinary outlets from 1 July, while stocks last. Terms and conditions apply.

Hill’s Science Plan and Hill’s Ideal Balance foods are naturally preserved, completely balanced and scientifically-formulated to meet your pet’s specific nutritional needs. On offer at participating vet outlets from 1 July.
More here: infoza@hillspet.com or 0800228783 / 0217822847 / 0835311043

On this side, very happy puppies which makes for a happy Mommy too. Thank you Hills and Megan! Love that you love my pups, too.


My TuscanStorm looking very excited by his turkey & cranberry treats.


For your nearest participating practice or vet shop, contact Hill’s on infoza@hillspet.com and have a look at www.hillspet.co.za/News. Become part of a community passionate about pets and learn about Hill’s latest special offers on Facebook and Twitter. Because nothing beats this love of theirs.


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