Kenya. – Me chilling at the Mombasa bus stop before taking the ten hour bus ride through Tsavo National Park and endless remote settlements, passing traders with everything from watermelon to freshly roasted cashew nuts for sale, veering around car sized potholes at a zoom of note as we headed towards Nairobi. What an experience.
A fun and very affordable way to travel between main hubs in Kenya.
Word of advise, make sure you book the front row seats for most space, pack food and water for the road and don’t linger on those stops, they aren’t very long. At the one place you needed a coin to use the bathroom.
Having enquired, Coastal Air seems the most reliable and have a luxury option with air-conditioner and a toilet on board which costs nominally more. It wasn’t running on the day we travelled, but really that never mattered to us.
Thanks for the pic and for the memories Linda Markovina. You are the living best travel buddy. Such love for you and our shared adventures.
Read more about my previous visits to Kenya here.