Lisbon, Portugal. Street Art.

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One of the things that I love to do when travelling to a new city, especially in Europe, is to learn more about the voice of the people from the street art that features in the various neighbourhoods. An expression of present self, of political and social-economic issues, of imagination and fantasy, of beauty and pride of place. Street Art as an artistic expression often gives more, if not equal, insight into the people. This is certainly true of Lisbon Street Art.

Lisbon Street Art and Grafitti

Beyond the picture-perfect capital full of medieval infrastructure, impressively preserved 19th-century and contemporary buildings, the many steep hills with their vantage point of the Tagus River, each side street and corner have different treasures to discover. One, possibly unexpected, example is Lisbon’s street art and graffiti themed to cover the country’s history, pop culture, and imaginative abstracts. I include a collection of my favourites, some as seen at the LxFactory, others under bridges, on tall walls and in intricate detail that caught my eye as I crossed a road. Stickers, stencils, murals and the power of words.

The LXFactory in outdoor visual art

Me dreaming of being a tuk-tuk driver in my next life.

Clinging to walls, under bridges, on ancient buildings

Reaching for the stars

A Dancer is a Dancer is a Dancer

The power of poignant words

Take a look at my Lisbon, Portugal In Pics, read My First Lisbon Riverview Airbnb Apartment for more info and details of how and where I booked my flights and accommodation, and be inspired to learn more from my Lisbon, Portugal. Street Art post. Can’t wait to get back there.

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