Basic Tips to Ease Your Travels As You Go.

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For many people – myself included, the travel bug is something that refuses to let go.

We would willingly pack up our lives for weeks, months, or even years at a time and take off to a brand new destination full of fun and adventure, living in the moment and revelling in the new and varied surrounds. But, how do you know you’re making the most of your travels? Well, here are four tips to try out and see how much your experience improves. 

Don’t Forget the Essentials

It sounds obvious, especially for experienced travellers, but if you forget the essentials, you won’t be able to make the most of your travels. Can you imagine sitting on a beach in your jeans rather than your swimsuit? Or going walking on a beautiful mountain only to find you don’t have your hiking shoes or jacket? Worse still, having to spend money on memory cards for your camera when you have them at home.

Forgetting the essentials can hinder your overall enjoyment, and even though some issues are easily solved, things such as losing your passport or leaving your wallet in an Uber are more challenging to overcome. Make a list, check it twice, and then check it again before you go anywhere. It’s advised to keep copies of your most important documents in a cloud too or with a trusted friend or relative.

Use luggage storage if you have a ton of luggage

Most people have experienced the frustration of trying to cram too much into their luggage, only to find that they’re over the weight limit or that their bag won’t fit into the overhead compartment. To avoid this stressful situation, many travelers are now using Luggage storage Euston Station services. These services allow you to store your bags in a secure location while you’re exploring your destination. This can free up your hands so you can easily carry maps and other essential items, and it can also help you avoid excess baggage fees. And if you’re traveling with valuables, storing them in a luggage storage service can give you peace of mind knowing that they’re safely stored away.

Prescription Glasses

I use prescription glasses and always take an extra pair as I wouldn’t want to be in a situation where I damage mine and can’t read or work. I recommend DIFF Prescription Eyeglasses as they have a really stylish selection of signature frames and they can easily be ordered online ahead of your trip. Better still, DIFF is a charitable eyewear retailer with a mission to use fashion as a force for good and in just 6 years has provided over 1.6 million people with the reading glasses they need. Take a look at their sunglasses too.

Don’t Be Afraid to Mingle

Whether you like to travel in groups or prefer to go it alone, you don’t need to stick to this for the entirety of your travels. The more you mingle, the more you get out into the heart of the destination, and you might even get to experience things you never would otherwise. If you mingle with other travellers – and better still locals, you can expand your horizons, even if you already have a set idea about where you want to go next. Travel is all about seeking out the soul of the places you visit, and what’s a better way to do so than with those who live there?

Bring Back More Than Pictures

Sure, photographs are a great way to document your travels, but they are only a fraction of how you can make the most of your trip. The pics go on Instagram or Facebook, and people will engage with them, but then what? You should try to capture as many memories in as many different ways as possible. This can include videos, which are great for capturing the atmosphere of your destination, printing some of your favourite pics for home, keeping a journal and even bringing back the occasional souvenir. All of these will transport you back to the moments you experienced whilst there.

Don’t Take All Your Cash With You

No traveller even wants to think about losing all their money during their trip, but it’s a sad fact that it can happen. If you don’t want your trip derailed before it even gets going, only carries a small amount of cash with you at any time. In the unfortunate event of getting robbed, you will then still have funds either at the hotel or hostel or in your bank account. Some travellers even bring decoy wallets and phones to hand over in the event of a mugging, which can also ease your worries. I also keep some cash and a credit card separate as an emergency backup, it’s well worth it for the peace of mind.

Make the Most Of Wherever You Go

We all have different ideas about what makes the best travel experience and there’s no right or wrong way to do it. Most importantly though, no matter where you go, tread gently and with respect to the environment and the communities that you find yourself in, with grace, consciousness and appreciation – and you’re bound to feel extremely good as you go.

** Pics sourced.

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