If in the Betty’s Bay area I recommend a visit to Stony Point African Penguin Colony. One can still see the remains of the Old Whaling Station, which was in operation from 1912 to 1930. Good thing they put a stop to that when in 1976 South Africa signed the treaty to ban whaling.
Today the Point is one of only three land based colonies for the African penguin. The walkway and platform make for easy viewing, and there are usually eggs and chicks to see too. The noise and numbers amaze me, and I can get lost there for hours watching them march around, catch the waves, and play in the surf. Good to know they are safe here.
This pair decided to nest in the public area, I guess to them the fences are just guidelines. Hopefully the sign will offer some protection from people. African Penguins mate for life, and share the responsibility of raising and caring for the babies.