Fun Things To Do While Social Distancing.

Social distancing is the new norm thanks to the continued spread of Covid-19 with most of us at home, either for the regulated lockdown or as a precaution to ensure our safety.

Yet for those who aren’t working, the hours may become monotonous as we long for our family and friends, beach walks, coffee dates, travelling and mountain hikes – none currently available to us. As temporary compensation, new ideas are born during a crisis. Instead of feeling too down, we can look to engaging our creativity and finding ways to entertain ourselves while in social isolation. These are some examples of how.

Of course having excellent internet was one of the things that secured our ability to work, stay connected and remain in touch with loved ones during the lockdown, and shentel internet was and is one of the best options for high-speed affordable connectivity solutions. Take a look at their packages to learn more.

Read a book

While most libraries and bookstores are closed given the pandemic, this should not dim your reading spirits. Read the books you already have to be reminded of what inspired you first time around – and better still, work your way through that pile of books next to the bed that you’ve been threatening to finish. Once you’ve cleared everything in the house, there are endless audio and e-books to buy online. I know I’m working through one after the next.

Hold game nights

Playing board or video games is a good way to kill time and fight boredom. There are tons of games that you can enjoy online, including virtual games that can be played by multiple players from various remote locations. If you are lucky to have roommates who are into board games, then, by all means, play any game you can come across. You can find hours of gaming content on YouTube and other video streaming platforms. What’s more, you can even invent your own game or try the many viral challenges celebrities are sharing on TikTok, Instagram, and other social media platforms.

Don’t just use a computer, make one

With the Pi, you can discover many thrilling tech items, e.g. an open-source computer.  All you need is a Raspberry Pi 4 and a few Google searches and you will be ready to unlock the unlimited raspberry possibilities. If you know a thing or two about resistors, transistors, and capacitors, using a Raspberry Pi to make a computer will take you less than a day. This open-source computer comes with a graphical user interface (GUI) and many pre-built applications, so you don’t need any prior coding knowledge to get started. Understanding the basics of PHP or Python languages is just an added advantage; you will make something bespoke with such basic understanding. This is a little high tech for me, but I’m hearing all the rights things from the ‘tech-heads.’

 Keeping Working Out

Gyms are closed, walks to the park aren’t safe anymore and most outdoor activities have been prohibited in most regions. That is no reason to stop working out though. If you have a garden where you can ride a bike, run or sprint – perfect, otherwise build a make-shift gym using materials found around your garden. If you don’t have a garden, create an exercise regime indoors, I highly recommend yoga, although there are numerous online workout options. Definitely make use of the window to exercise provided, the fresh air is good therapy. Take a look at this review on the best Pre-Workout for Women in 2023, which will guide you to how best to protect and boost your body as part of your well-being program.

Read: How Can Exercising Boosts Your Mood While At Home Isolating?

Do a group crossword puzzle

Do the crossword puzzle, find some Soduko, join an online quiz night or Twitter chat about a topic of interest. Now that your friends are locked up miles across town, doing the crosswords over Skype or text might be fun and will offer a sense of normalcy and continuity even when you are alone at home.

Guided meditation

Something I couldn’t do without. Meditation allows you to work through any coronavirus-related fears whether you are worried about your health, the safety of the people you love, or your financial position post-coronavirus, meditation will help you rise above those worries. Leverage the many online guided meditation or yoga courses, I personally subscribe to Headspace and have used it for 3-4 years. To be honest, I am still having nightmares.

Zoom cooking competitions

Hold an at-home cook-off with your friends via Zoom or Skype. Simply agree on the food choices, ingredients to use, and the time, and start/stop cooking. The presentation and creativity of each participant will be the judging parameters as tasting is off the table at the moment. If cooking doesn’t appeal, a date for a chat with a glass of wine at the end of the day may work just as well.

As COVID-19 social distancing and self-quarantining continue, it is upon each one of us to come up with creative ideas that will make social isolation a little more manageable.

Most important of all, be safe, wear a mask – and stay home. We will get through this.

** Pics Sourced.

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