Tourist Toolkit: A Guide to Ready-Set-Go Adventures.

Are you about to set off on a trip of a lifetime? If so, then you need to make sure that you’re prepared. While it may seem exciting to simply throw a few belongings in a backpack and set off into the sunset, this is a recipe for disaster and could mean the end of your trip before you even begin.

A tourist toolkit, as the name suggests, is a collection of must-have items and resources that you’ll need to ensure that your travels go without a hitch. Whether you are travelling as a group, with your family, or on your own, the tourist toolkit detailed below is guaranteed to make your next ready-set-go adventure the best one yet!

Budgeting your trip – Funding Resources

Before you set off on your next adventure, you need to work out how you’re going to pay for your trip. While many travellers choose to find part-time work to fund their travels when they arrive, you’ll still need some money to get you where you want to go and to ensure that you have somewhere to stay. If you have enough savings, then you’re already good to go. However, if not, there are several resources that you can utilise such as crowdfunding, although there would need to be a purpose to the travel and not just fun travel.

Planning your itinerary – Planning Resources

If you plan to go sightseeing and let’s face it, you most likely are, then it can be a good idea to start planning your itinerary before you go. In terms of resources, there are so many websites and apps such as Trip Advisor, Wikitravel and Lonely Planet Guides that can help you to choose and book local attractions and sights. Of course, there’s no harm in being a little bit spontaneous on your travels, as long as you have some idea of what you want to see and where you want to go.

Getting around – Transport Resources

Unless you’re planning to rent a car or you have an unlimited budget for taxis, you need to think about how you’re going to get around your chosen destinations. Depending on where you’re planning to go, public transport is arguably your best choice. However, the quality can vary greatly. As a general rule, if you’re visiting a major city such as London, Paris or Rome, hop on hop off bus tours provide one of the best ways to get around without blowing your budget.

Finding somewhere to stay

Where you stay will be largely dependent on your budget, but, wherever you stay, it’s always better to book in advance, especially during busy times of the year such as during the school holidays. There are lots of online resources that you can turn to help you find the best places to stay and also to help you make the most out of your budget such as and Hostelworld. For those who like to meet new people when they’re travelling and don’t have a lot of money to spend on accommodation, you may want to consider couch surfing.

Either way, planning heightens the anticipation, and should be considered a part of the trip.

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