Travel Kindly Ensuring Animals Don’t Suffer in Silence During Your Holiday Activities.

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Seemingly harmless animal interactions are often problematic

The holiday season is used for travelling. But as enriching as it is to get to know foreign cultures and countries, there are unfortunately also downsides. In many countries, tourists are offered unethical attractions with animals. From selfies with wild animals to donkey, elephant and camel rides, as well as the display and exploitation of bears and big cats. Cruelty towards animals lurks everywhere.

FOUR PAWS warns travellers against dubious fun at the expense of animals.

“What looks like harmless fun is pure stress for many animals, and in the worst case, massive animal cruelty. Attractions with animals should always be viewed critically. Tourists should not be tempted by offers such as swimming with dolphins or petting, feeding and taking selfies with wild animals.”

In South-Eastern Europe, for example, there are still so-called restaurant bears in cages with which guests can have their picture taken These bears live a miserable, cramped life of solitude. In Thailand, tourists can pet adult tigers and take photos with the animals who have been beaten since they were young and taken from their mothers. Touching owls or birds of prey that are tethered in chains, and making them sit on people’s arms, is offered in Italy, among other places.

For most, it is often not recognisable that the animals are suffering. Amoroso warns: “The fact that an animal does not make any sounds of pain does not mean that it is doing well. Contact and interaction with humans are unnatural for any wild animal and forcing unnatural behaviours causes stress. Many are brutally broken to make them compliant; this happens particularly often with elephants that tourists can ride. Therefore, we urge travellers to refrain from any attraction that advertises feeding, touching, riding or taking a selfie with a wild animal. What is a cool experience for you, is a lifetime of misery for them.

Any event where animals are injured or killed – such as bullfights, should be banned anyway. Unfortunately, animal suffering is often justified with the argument of tradition. But no tradition, no matter how deeply rooted, legitimises animal suffering. Many animal lovers, especially families with children, seek contact with animals on holiday.  FOUR PAWS advises observing wild animals in their natural habitat at a distance, if possible. Or at true sanctuaries offering life-long species-appropriate care.

National parks and sanctuaries for endangered species or animals rescued from poor keeping conditions offer the opportunity for animal encounters. When visiting a sanctuary, visitors should make sure that animal welfare and sustainability are top priorities. After all, some wildlife parks also offer shows with wild animals. If such an animal show is part of the park’s programme or even if interaction with animals is offered, all alarm bells should ring right away. True sanctuaries offer no interactions, breeding programmes, or trade of animals.

Circuses with wild animals are also a no-go. “While circus bans for wild animals have been introduced in some countries, in many holiday countries this cruelty still exists. The animals have to perform tricks that are completely against their natural behaviour. Often, they are mistreated to force them to obey,” says Amoroso.

Travellers should also avoid activities with domesticated animals such as carriage rides, donkey, pony or camel rides, as well as popular elephant riding, where the animals are also forced to be obedient by brute force when they are still young. In some places, the animals are on duty for more than ten hours and breaks for watering and feeding are often not observed. FOUR PAWS offers these travel tips for a holiday without animal suffering.


  • Avoid selfies with wild animals
  • Do not visit places where wild animals can be fed by visitors, are forced to perform tricks or where riding of animals is offered
  • Do not buy souvenirs made from animals or animal parts
  • Do not book direct interactions with animals, such as petting tiger or lion cubs


  • See animals in the wild, where they belong
  • If this is not possible, see them in #TravelKind true sanctuaries and wildlife destinations
South Africa | Guests walking with lions and handlers.
South Africa | Lion cub interaction with cub in the foreground.
Germany, Ziegendorf | Elephant riding at Elefantenhof Platschow, Germany
Myanmar, Yenwe Dam | Elephant orphanage elephant riding.

Take a look at the FOUR PAWS Travel Kind guide here for more details, and please do the right thing.

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