W12 Water Congress to take place in Cape Town in January 2020.

On the 10th October 2019, SOSNPO and its partners, announced the new dates and updates for the upcoming W12 Congress presented by Grundfos, when solutions and a protocol for tackling global water challenges will be discussed by key stakeholders from all over the world. The W12 Congress is an International Conference and Expo that seeks to create the world’s first “Major City Best Practice Water Protocol” and strengthen the citizen-driven governance of alternative sustainable water solutions.

I was lucky enough to be there.

The Congress will bring together city officials, academics, business executives, water experts, and students from major cities in the world that are likely to face a Day Zero scenario in the next 24 – 36 months. Cape Town was the first major city to face what has become known as Day Zero: the day water resources are completely depleted and taps run dry.

The W12 water focussed conference aims to be the first of a global movement featuring the major work of city governments facing water crises. 

W12 Congress takes place in Cape Town, 27-31 January 2020

The keynote speaker at the announcement, was Pancho Campo, Partner and International Relationship Director for the W12 Congress, from Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project, who presented the latest information on the W12 Congress 2020 and announced the release of the UNESCO/Netflix documentary – “WaterWise, How not to drain a Country” featuring SOSNPO, a South African water NPO, which helped direct groundbreaking documentary.

Waterwise, how not to drain a country

The documentary touches on the different water situations around the world and what we can learn from them as communities and individuals and will showcase areas around the world that are at the forefront of drought experiences, including Cape Town. The documentary is expected to be available on Netflix in the first quarter of 2020 as they will be filming the last part during the Congress.

Watch the trailer: Waterwise: How not to drain a Country.

W12 Congress (27-31 January 2020)

Dignitaries from countries such as Portugal, Finland as well as the Netherlands were also present at the announcement evening along with our very own Alderman Xanthia Limberg and Alderman Clive Justus who are championing the 2020 W12 Congress.

The W12 Congress will be held 27th – 31st January 2020 in Cape Town, South Africa and will be the first event that brings government and municipalities together in the now urgent global movement to manage and solve the world’s water crisis.

The Essential Details

For more information or any media related queries regarding W12 Congress, please contact Wired Communications on 021 464 1144. For media-related queries Tammy Tinline at tammy@wiredcommunications.co.za or 079 506 9811. The W12 Congress was originally to be held in May 2019. However, due to the SA elections, the conference was rescheduled for January 2020.

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