February 5, 2014

Nieu Bethesda. – Walking the streets I came across this old car, rusted and no longer, yet still loved and tended. ‘Roesemaat’ simply meaning rust’s

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Nieu Bethesda. – The Owl House. Curios for sale just outside. Got to have one, or two or three. Especially when the salesman isTHAT cool! A

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WordPress database error: [Unknown column 'score' in 'ORDER BY']
SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT Otk0rvAHy_posts.*,Otk0rvAHy_posts.ID as ID FROM Otk0rvAHy_posts WHERE 1=1 AND ( ( YEAR( Otk0rvAHy_posts.post_date ) = 2014 AND MONTH( Otk0rvAHy_posts.post_date ) = 2 AND DAYOFMONTH( Otk0rvAHy_posts.post_date ) = 5 ) ) AND ( Otk0rvAHy_posts.post_date <= '2024-12-04 22:48:17' ) AND (((Otk0rvAHy_posts.post_title LIKE '%%') OR (Otk0rvAHy_posts.post_content LIKE '%%')) OR ( ((Otk0rvAHy_posts.post_excerpt LIKE '%%')) ) ) AND Otk0rvAHy_posts.post_type IN ('page', 'post') AND ((Otk0rvAHy_posts.post_status = 'publish' OR Otk0rvAHy_posts.post_status = 'inherit')) ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 0, 16

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